
The objective of the BioSapiens Network of Excellence is to provide a large-scale effort to annotate human genome using both informatics tools and input from experimentalists. The Network will create a European Virtual Institute for Genome Annotation, bringing together many of the best laboratories in Europe. This institute will help to improve bioinformatics research in Europe and encourage cooperation between various laboratories.
The BioSapiens network tries also to integrate experimentalists and bioinformaticians, through a directed programme of genome analysis, focused on specific biological problems. The annotations generated by the Institute will be available in the public domain and easily accessible on the web. This will be achieved initially through a distributed annotation system (DAS), which will evolve to take advantage of new developments in the GRID.
The Institute will establish a permanent European School of Bioinformatics, to train bioinformaticians and to encourage best practise in the exploitation of genome annotation data for biologists. The courses and meetings will be open to all scientists throughout Europe, and available at all levels, from basic courses for experimentalists to more advanced training for experts. The BioSapiens NoE will increase European competitiveness, by new discoveries, increased integration, expert training and improved tools and services, and enhance Europe’s role in the academic and industrial exploitation of genomics.

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